Friday, April 23, 2010

I wish I had thought of that.

I imagine this is true for most, but I can say as a designer that we spend way too much time analyzing what's around us. Walking down the street and recognizing typefaces, trying to put a Pantone number to that cool colour over there, and most definitely critiquing other peoples work. And although it's unfortunate that it doesn't happen more often - it's great when you get one of those "I wish I had thought of that" moments.

That was my reaction to Bullfrog Powers latest Pay More for Energy campaign. I think it's great and certainly worthy of a plug. Even better that it's a company that deserves the attention of some great branding minds.

A campaign based on truth – what an enigmatic idea.

Not that Jenn and I are granola eating hippies or anything, but we made the choice to pay more for energy when we switched to Bullfrog back in September of 2007. It was a decision we didn't take lightly but one we're glad we did.

Have a look at the animated video they've produced, explaining how Bullfrog Power works. Maybe it's something you'd consider? You just might get the same twinge of self pride as we do every time we see that little Bullfrog sign on our front lawn.

Check it out for yourself.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

If you were the client?

I was recently asked by my good friends at CAPIC Toronto if I would consider creating the poster for their next major event. It seems my work for the Chase Jarvis event last November was well received – that and I think the price was right. As they like to say – it's really about the glory! I was equally happy to help out this time as they prepare to promote an evening with renowned photographer, Chris Buck.

They supplied me with a great name for the event, Buck Shot, along with some portraits of Chris and some of his recent work and left me to it. Of course they are always generous with their deadlines too so I had about two days to return some initial creative.

I thought I'd share those initial concepts with you.

This is almost always the case – designer's put a lot of work into the conceptual phase of a project and most of it is left on the cutting room floor. Not to suggest this is a problem, it's all part of the creative process and necessary to ensure the best results are achieved for the client. And although the client always has the last word, you hope your expertise will allow you to guide them in the direction you feel will best achieve results.

If it was up to you, which of the following three concepts would you have moved forward with? Have a look and post a comment to let me know. I'd love to know what direction you might have given me had you been the boss.

To see what CAPIC Toronto ultimately decided, visit Or better yet, join their Facebook page and let them know they aren't paying me enough!