Days after our son, Rowan, was born his mom, Jenn, suggested we keep track of the special things he accomplished in a log. I managed to take things too far and before I knew it I was writing a daily journal of the incredible things he did every day. Not an easy task to keep up with but I met my goal and recorded each of his first 365 days of making our lives that much more amazing.
I always knew I wanted to create something special with that journal once it was complete but was worried cost might make that difficult. Luckily our friend/favourite family portrait photographer, Andrea Kellaway, recommended Photobook Canada. She had used them to create albums from some of the weddings she had shot and suggested I talk to Shannon for some insight. Definitely a good idea!
With the journal complete, a huge collections of photos thanks mostly to Jenn's persistence and some help from Shannon, I was able to put together a 196 page book to commemorate Rowan's first year of life. Of course it had to be special - a gift for Jenn, grandparents and most importantly - Rowan himself. I always imagined it as something he could hold in his strong hands twenty-five years from now and have some insight into just how incredible he made that first year for his mom and dad.
And this is where the endorsement part comes in - two weeks after releasing my files I met Shannon to pick-up five extraordinarily beautiful, awe-inspiring, Rowan deserving books. Imagine that, so unique that only five exist in the entire world!
I would suggest to anyone - creative or otherwise - to take a look at the Photobook Canada site. To understand the significance of what can be accomplished - from Gutenberg's first press as one of the most influential events of the second millennium to the ability to produce your own single book. That has to be better than giving your mom a blender for her next birthday, no?